I can't believe that another week has been consigned to the history books. Right now it seems that each week blurs into one another, relentlessly and it seems like only yesterday that we were opening this boozer, we were running around like headless chickens putting the final touches in, the bar was manic on the first night and here we are now, in our fourth week already.. Click of the fingers, just like that!
We are also two and a bit weeks from the kids going back to school, and that time it seems is dragging. They are desperate (or more like it we are desperate I am not sure) to get some rhythm in their lives although probably don't know it now or ever will. We promise that next year will be different and more organised. I hope so anyway and would expect it then as we will be a year in and way more knowledgeable about local life. Already we are catching on but working all the time at the moment does pose the danger of causing us not to see the wood from the trees. We have promised ourselves when making this move that we will take time to smell the roses and we shall once we we feel we have settled. We are inclined to be a bit impatient with with people around us on our team but I suppose they are also learning our way and some have a bit of potential that still needs to be explored. As you know though, I am very tired of babysitting adults so I'm afraid its very much a case of FIFO. You know what that means, right?
We are also in the throes of setting up a mini conference room in the pub, you see we have this space that is big enough to do it in so we have had it carpeted and painted and now we are looking for furniture. And there is a lot of choice out there...if anyone has any bright ideas about the best place to get stuff from please, I would like to hear from you.
More pics, taken tonight...
Until tomorrow
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