Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Day 101 - Ghosts

This morning. I have re-read my vodka fueled posting from last night with some trepidation. Expecting some or other insult passed, it wasn't, and noting that the spelling is horrendous to say the least. It almost got emotional though. Yesterday was the one hundredth posting and to celebrate and honour this milestone my mate BC went, so he tells me, and had a few beers for a change. Not with me it must be said. But 12000km away in sunny SA. That was his excuse anyway. So thanks for that.

Prior to coming here we had heard that the building had a ghost. I am not a believer in the paranormal, maybe I will be when I see it but right now a ghost to me is Caspar. 
A few days ago the kids along with some of their mates, playing hide and seek, swear they saw one - a ghostly apparition -  in the flat upstairs and then this morning out of the kitchen printer printed a ticket for two desserts. This could happen but the kitchen wasn't open yet and there is no record of it on the till. It doesn't appear. At all. At lunch some prices have changed on a few dishes and not on others. I am the only one with a programming key to change the prices. A bit weird I have to say, especially when you think that this a cash register and not a software driven mind of its own computer thingy. I'm still not a believer but I am a logical person so I do have a question or two about this stuff. I shall keep you informed as time goes on.

I was also offered last night a mountain of wood / logs for next to nothing. With two wood burners in the place and a longish winter coming up I am definitely going to need them. It's gonna look a bit odd in the meantime having firewood delivered in the middle of summer but when we're snowed in and others are huddling around their useless in this village mobile phones for warmth, I shall have a raging fire and a warm pub. Even if no one can get here.
Being offered stuff is probably one of the benefits of a country pub. I hope come the hunting season to be offered pheasant and other stuff for a good price. I have the ideal hanging space for them too. It can't get any more authentic than that. Roast pheasant will be on the menu, or roast rabbit or roast something or other. 

And that is about it for today. Once again I send greetings to wherever you are reading this. To my mate on his way to the pit I wish you well and be safe, your wife and daughter are waiting back home for you. To everyone else, treasure and be grateful for what you have. As they have found in Norway, it can be taken in an instant.

God speed. Until tomorrow.

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