School holidays. Do young people really need so much time off? As a kid I don't remember having what seems like months off at a time and definitely I don't remember being so bloody needy. My parents thought I was perfect, a view I'm sure they keep today...or has that changed? I can never remember. Seriously, why is it necessary for them to be able to laze around, watch TV and generally annoy older people for weeks on end. Imagine if they only had 4 weeks off a year, imagine the benefits. Four weeks could be split over the year to take in Christmas (only really a few days), a bit over Easter and a bit over the summer. As a family you could still go on summer holidays but when you got back they would just go straight to school. It couldn't actually be simpler.
Parents, also with four weeks leave a year, could spend all their precious off time with their off spring under close supervision. There would be no expensive holiday clubs to send them too because why would they need it? The bonding between parent and child during this together under duress time would be immeasurable. Kids could learn more stuff and learn it a lot quicker which means they would graduate early - say at about 12 - and go off to university. They would be highly educated and know everything by thirteen years of age. Oh wait, hang on; they already know everything by that age.
They could be married off and out from under your roof and from in your wallet or purse by the time they are eighteen. They would immediately join the working world and contribute via taxes to their national economy. They could make responsible decisions like what to wear, who to be friends with, how to wear their hair, what looks cool and what doesn't and whether or not they should spend all day in front of the TV or only half the day.
On the upside, and what this means to you the old generation struggling parent is that you could now afford to retire earlier, say 50, and everyone would be a whole lot happier and probably healthier. I think this should be proposed to the relevant authorities. I'm sure that both sides of the political spectrum would embrace this idea and both would probably claim the glory in what is bound to be a successful lifestyle (probably a paradigm shift!) change for billions around the world.
The current system of only finishing school at eighteen doesn't reflect this changing world. That we as hard done by parents have to put up with whiny kids for months of annual holiday is I am sure an affront to our human rights and I am frankly surprised that the do gooders and tree huggers haven't picked up on this. We should consider going on strike, maybe even rioting (I need to be careful about using this word 'cos its a bit of a sensitive word at the moment and I don't want to be accused of incitement). We could picket the schools to keep our kids from just after breakfast to just before dinner, which is now served just before midnight. We could picket them to include strenuous exercise so that when they did come home late at night they fell into their beds in the yard and slept, even in the snow.
Perhaps then we would be appreciated a bit more. Perhaps our kids would be less whiny. Perhaps they would help around the house in exchange for sleeping inside. Perhaps pigs would fly.
Only three more weeks of holidays to go before we get one. T minus 21.
The author of this blog accepts no responsibility for his frame of mind and for his words written in haste and in jest. If his amazing and incredible sense of humour offends your sensibilities, please don't read any more of his clever prose.
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