You can't take me anywhere. Well you can actually. The first time to have a good time, the second time to apologise and pick up my name. I had a quick look at yesterdays post and I am quite embarrassed. I could edit it but to change it would be against the spirit of observing my life and thoughts for a whole year. Don't know what you're gonna do on day 366 when there is no post to read.. Don't know what I'm going to do either.
Busy busy yesterday, had our best day so far on food which is brilliant, bar sales last night were brisk, there were no idiots in which was fantastic and even better, the pub across the road, the one also run by a Saffer was busy too! So all round a pleasing weekend so far with today to go.
Woke this morning to Sky News going on about the riots in Tottenham. Now, you have probably worked out that I am not very politically correct, I tend to call it as I see it. This is my understanding of what happened, and please it is only my view cobbled together from various news reports. Remember this is England, this is where people are educated, they generally know right from wrong, they are trained well. And although the plod aren't my favourite species I would accept that 99.9% of them would not shoot me if they didn't think there was imminent lethal danger to themselves or people around them. This is also the country where there are draconian gun laws. In other words if you have a gun - and I'm not talking about the hunting type - you are probably doing something you shouldn't be. And the police would be a bit edgy. With me so far?
So this black dude in Tottenham on Thursday starts waving his gun around and pulling the trigger a few times. The police now a bit edgy give him some lead earplugs. He is no more. Fair enough. That would probably happen anywhere in the world. So the grieving family and his gangsta friends, probably majority black, yesterday, march on the local nick, start a riot, burn buildings, buses and car, loot shops and cause untold misery for families living above shops, for people trying to make a living. And the bunny huggers are trying to pin the blame on the cops. C'mon, I know I'm new here and a foreigner but really. Surely they don't honestly think that the police are to blame. The are being accused of being a bit slow to react. Of course they would have been. The local nick in Tottenham probably doesn't have a riot squad on permanent duty on a Saturday evening. They probably had to call people in, they probably;y had to muster a temporary squad to get things going. But the fault is not with the police, it is with the wankers who started all the shit in the first place, those who have zero respect for anyone else. Those who think (and this would be a minority it must be said) that because they are black they must be a/ a gangster or b/ a thug or c/ poor or d/ a criminal. Unfortunately the local nick didn't have a water cannon or rubber bullet firing weapon to hand. Or even better a 30 Browning. That normally separates things.
No people. If you want live here you should adapt to this culture. I know the world is a changing place, but respect for others cost nothing. It is a sad sign of the times that the British government is debating whether or not to reintroduce the death penalty. Maybe what they should start first is introducing deportation orders for people whose parents or grandparents didn't originally come from this country. That would wake a few up. They think they got it tough now. It would be a lot tougher for a wannabee London gangsta in Mogadishu.
But, as you know it's not going to happen. Every tree hugger, bunny hugger and do gooder will make sure of that. As long as they stay in London and no where near me.
Until tomorrow.
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