The sun dropped a little in the early evening sky. The plans for me and my mates were set. Tonight was the turn of your town to be ransacked by us. Pickings were rich because security was so poor and there is little threat of any action being taken against us. And anyway, I ain't been done before so whats the worst that can happen, eh?
My BBM beeps, its time to meet up with the bro's for a couple ciders before we get going.
I wave goodbye to mum, she thinks I'm going to the movies at the mall to see the latest 'arry Potter and by the time I get back she'll be fast asleep in front of the telly, gin bottle on her lap.
Me dad left us years ago so don't hear from 'im much.
The street lights are on as I meet my mates on the corner by the off licence. Josh, the biggest of us goes in. He doesn't get asked much for his pass card so he normally gets a slab of cider for us. When he comes out he's laughing to himself, he tells us that all he can see of us in the gloom is the white of our new trainers we picked up last night from Foot Locker. The adrenalin from last night has gone down a bit, running from the cops and their batons scared the shit outta me I tell you. But it was a good night and a good fight. Two pairs of quality trainers and a flat screen are new additions in my room. Mum thinks its the job down the news agent that's giving me all this money. I feel a bit bad for her but 'ey, that's life, all me mates are doing the same thing. What else is there for us to do on the holidays. It's not like we can afford to go to Spain or sumthing.
The cider is going down proper. I can start to feel the tingly feeling in my cheeks. Tonight is gonna be a good night. I fancy an iPod to be honest, maybe a iPad too. Dunno we'll see what happens. The cops aren't gonna do nuffink are they. Saw on the news earlier that they tired of working every night and anyway we've worked a good diversion for them if they come too close and our spotters will give us early warning. We start walking down the high street in your town. It's still quiet but the adrenalin is going now again. The news agent, nice bloke, is busy closing up for the night, we hit him from behind with the lid of the bin. He's bleedin' a bit but still breeving anyway so we take his money and as much booze as we can carry from the shop. We wonder on a bit, the rest of the bro's are starting to gather by the park. We share the booze with the boys and together we head down the high street again, I'm a bit wobbly now from the JD, this time heading for the Apple store. About a 'undred yards ahead of us there are cops everywhere, blue lights lighting up the walls of the buildings. Strange this time, they're not moving towards us like they did yesterday. They are quiet except for one bloke on a tannoy saying something which I can't hear. All me mates are shouting at the cops, drowning out the tannoy, the adrenalin and the booze making it impossible to even think straight. My mate next to me throws something at them, it crashes into the street just ahead of us and burst into flames, more stuff is thrown, a parked car catches alight.
It hits me like a speeding train. I fall backwards. I'm worrying about dirtying my new trainers. It seems that I'm lying in a pool of water. Which is a bit odd really as its not raining...the others are looking down at me, one asks why I'm bleeding. I can't really see him anymore, it's gone a bit dark, I wonder if the turning the street lights off is a police tactic to disorientate us. I can hear the confusion though as another falls with a thud near to where I'm lying. The panic shouting sets in and I am trodden on by me mates as they struggle to get away. No one stops to help me. I try and shout to them to come back but they don't. The next voice I says's he doesn't think I'm going to make it, he says I have massive upper torso injuries, whatever that means... I wonder if me mum is asleep yet.
God speed.
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