This is truly an occasion. For those who thought little of follow through ability I think I have proven you wrong. Yes I have missed a few days over the time but hey, there has been some momentous life changing moments in this life in these past 100 and a few days. I have tried to tell my story as I see it without fear or favour. Have I succeeded, that is for you to judge. I sit here now, 6 double and flavoured and very nice vodkas in, its 12.40am in sunny, or at least it was earlier, England, I have worked a full day and then some, my feet are sore, I can smell myself and to be honest I feel good. I feel like I have achieved. I feel like I should not forget these times.
Things are coming together. We are closer now to finding a chef which means things upstairs will start to improve as the stress levels go down. Wait. I know what you're thinking. Its not like that. Honest. If you're married you'll know. Nudge nudge wink wink! Already there are regular faces starting to come in everyday, as you would expect in a pub I suppose. Already there are stories about us in this small town. We are starting to be recognised in the supermarket. We are starting to get our game together. Isn't it starange how 6 double vodkas azffects your typing abilities. I feel like I'm on some NASA experiment, half expecting a talking monkey to pop his 'ead round the corner. Maybe its just the alcohol. Maybe.
Someone asked me today if I missed home. Of course I do. Of course I miss my parents, the family that i rarely saw but nknew was there, of course I miss the lifestyle. Of course I miss the braai's and the fanta brown. And of course I miss my mates. But I do have a measuring system in my own head about which 'mates' I miss most. Those that surprised me with their spirit and their acceptance I respect. Those that couldn't be fucking bothered. Oh well. At least that bit is reciprocated now. Dronk Verdriet. Maybe? The acid test will be when they need somewhere to stay on their holiday. I know what my wife will say. And its not pleasant.
Pleasantly surprised yesterady afternoob - thats the alcohol talking swahili - when a mate from back home and his missus appeared in the pub. Great to see them and hopefully in a weekend or two they'll come stay by us. I feel a session coming on. Properly. I need to eat so I'm going to go now. If you're still reading this then i salute your patience and your interpretationm skills. You deserve a medal.
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