And this reported in the papers today. Not the News of the World because as you know they're gone, not the Sun or the Star, not even the Mail or the Express, but in the erstwhile Times itself. If you even have an inkling of current affairs you cannot tell me that what I am about to comment on isn't at best ludicrous.
But let me start near the beginning. Years ago over Lockerbie, which I think is in Scotland somewhere, an American passenger plane was blown out of the air, killing all on board. You've probably heard of this. A Libyan bloke was arrested and charged with this heinous crime and subsequently jailed for as many years as there are fleas on a camel. Only the bloke got old and started suffering from ill health and so the former government's tree hugger department stepped in and released him on the grounds that he was terminally ill and should be allowed to die in peace - or should that be pieces, like the Lockerbie victims? Only, it seems he may not have been quite so ill as he was making out to be at the time and but nevertheless he was given a hero's welcome home by the All Glorious Master and King of the Africa's. Needless to say, the Scots and most of the civilised world weren't too happy about all this and there was a bit of an uproar and whispers of a good old oil deal on the table (surprise surprise).
And then the revolution started. The good guys (depending on your outlook on life of course) started chasing the All Glorious Master and don't forget the Commander of all Gods Battalions and King of all Africa's dude until he couldn't support the bomber no more. The good guys, ever grateful for the help given to them by the generous NATO forces and of course the tax payers of the Europe, publicly told the world to piss off and stated that NO they would not hand the bomber dude back to the west to be jailed again for his crime. After all he was a Libyan citizen and worthy of their protection - where the fuck were they when the All Glorious Master was killing the other citizens for 42 years!
And then (and this is the fairytale moment so pay attention) Disney stepped in with its story writers (they didn't really in case you're wondering and in case they want to sue me) and made up the penultimate chapter of this mans life. The family of this bomber dude, seeing that he is deteriorating without medical support because all the pills and medical stuff have been stolen by looters (Brixton, Clapham, Enfield, Walthamstow you too can pay attention, oh wait sorry, most of you probably come from Libya anyway) have pleaded to the Scottish government to please send Scottish doctors over to Libya to help him get better again. Yes. If I was you I would read that last bit again. The Libyans, cocking two fingers to the very people that have just freed them are now asking for more help to heal a bomber that caused untold grief on the Scottish nation all those years ago. Do they have no shame?
The world is truly a bizarre place. And bizarrest of all? I bet the tree hugger department in the Scottish government send Scottish doctors to help. Human rights after all they'll argue. My opinion in short. Let him die.