And so the journey starts. With a whimper right now but in a sleep or two it will reach a crescendo of some considerable stressful note. In a sleep or two, we shall recline - if that is the right term in cattle class and reflect on the past and of new beginnings. We shall wonder what lies in store for us on the other side; whether we will be accepted by an alien culture, remarkably different to our own.
To get to this point we have had to succeed momentously - this was never the plan let me add in haste, less some pathetic but sensitive soul decide for me that it was - at completely pissing off an element of people we have employed and served for a decade or more. We have it seems alienated ourselves from organisations that not long ago clambered for our business. We have succeeded to fail in a recession and let it be said this is where many have been before us. We have succeeded in becoming unpopular because calling a spade a spade is now apparently a social crime. We have voiced our view on a local protection racket, we have chosen to stay away from people who are as fake as wrestlers. We are guilty of associating some with others unfairly.We have a zero tolerance for those who use and deal drugs (and yet to this day it is still a hot topic in which I am discussed). And for this what do we get? A slap in the face and a banishment. And this is from the people that we know. This is from people and pastors that I schooled with, this is from 'family', mates and colleagues.
Forgive me for wanting to go. Forgive me for being cynical about the motives of others. Forgive me for being bitter to people who have been in my house but now won't look me in the eye, people who won't accept my apology for my wrongs - and there are a few (wrongs I mean). Please forgive me for wanting to better the lot of my family, please forgive me for my mistakes. There will be many more different ones in the future. I ask you to accept those too.
To the 'friends' who are consumed by their importance, I look forward to meeting you again in the future - hopefully when you are more comfortable in your own skin. To the people that I have only recently met, thank you for accepting me for who I am. I look forward to meeting you again in the future too. To the mates, new and particularly old who really don't give a shit about what I do, you too are welcome.
And to my extended family. This blip in the solar system is now the global village. Communication is now easier and quicker than ever before. I will try and take advantage of this as I hope you do.
Until tomorrow.
Well - it takes a man to say all this! Neale you made such a difference in my life and I know in lots of people in our group. I would like to think that I am a true friend - thanks for phoning when my kids got up to no good - you will always be one of the best things that happened to me in A'Toti - Ciao