Friday, 10 June 2011

Day 63 - The Real Cost

Sixty two days ago I wrote about how amazed I was about the fact that setting up a blogging account was both so simple and that it was free.
Everyday since then I have tapped away at my laptop amusing myself and hopefully you too. My subject matter has varied, I think, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the serious to the lighthearted.
Today is a bit different. I sit here at a desktop, because, my laptop has been stolen along with the car I have been driving. In broad daylight and on a busy road. To say that I am irritated would be an understatement.
So how is it that my laptop should be in the car...the plan was to fetch kids at school, disappear to a coffee shop, write the blog and then go from there to drink beer, a Friday afternoon ritual!
So, was I wrong to put the laptop in the boot? Should I have worried about it?

Over and over again the IT guys have whined about backing up. Have I backed up recently? Of course not.

I am really going to miss this place.

Until tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the news but at least you weren't in it when they decided to steal it cos we all know how that would have turned out!
