Thursday, 2 June 2011

Day 55 – Lots A Dollars

Alcohol has once again invited the demons from under the surface. Although I have written before about this, the difference this time is that besides me hanging a bit today, it wasn’t my demons! Now that makes a change.

It started innocently enough at a wine tasting and food pairing evening last night. As the wine flowed, and I’m not a great wine person only because it gives me heart burn, it tasted so much like some more. Every glass became tastier than the one before and before long the absolutely stupid and immature lets go out after this and drink even more conversation started taking place. And you know how it is. At the time it sounds just like the best idea in the whole wide world. Because we really need some more alcohol. And all this on a school night too. Getting up this morning was a mighty challenge I have to say.
At least I didn’t have to apologise this time, unlike some others I know. At least there was no fighting but it did come close with a bunch of we think we’re strong because there is eight of us, we drink brandy and we’re from Joburg guys. In their work shirts still at midnight. Chops.
Do they not know that ‘texas people fight each other all year around until someone from Johannesburg turns up? Then we all stand together. The real pride of the community. I know it’s a bit of a Ripley’s believe it or not moment but s’trew ‘guv. That’s what happens. Its ‘texas against the rest.

I have officially joined the ranks of the unemployed. I don’t consider myself part of great unwashed yet but I am without income. And it feels great to be honest. My latest adventure has come to an end and in the next few weeks we will be making a profound change in our family life as we start afresh.
We, the missus and I are fortunate to not fear change. We are fortunate to have lived a fairly, by some standards, adventurous past. We have traveled far and wide and both of us think it’s important to instill the sense of travel and excitement in our kids. One things for sure; when the conversation around the fire dries up turn it to travel and you’ll be amazed by the stories some can tell. I have a mate, who to his greatest regret, years ago while traveling in Europe, got involved in a minor drug dealing syndicate so that he could eat. As a youngster at the time he recalls how scared he was, how frightened he was that he would be caught. I think the fear of having to explain why he was in jail to his parents forced his hand and he gave this up. Fortunately. I had another, whom I met in Kenya, who hailed from a very wealthy English family and spoke with the proverbial hot potato in his mouth. You could see in him that hardship had not knocked at his door but, to my amazement, was the most down to earth person I think I met on that African odyssey.

I knew others in Israel that I shared both a hostel room with and many many bottles of very cheap Russian vodka and appetizer. Back them we worked on the beach renting out deckchairs and umbrellas to some pretty and some pretty disgusting people. Baked brown in the sun we lived a carefree existence on Vodka and pizza at night and free staff food at day. Those days I think set the travel virus free in me. I tried to write a list the other day when I was bored, of where I had been to. It goes something like this: SA, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, USA, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Germany, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Angola, Malawi, Lesotho (does that count as a country?).I think that’s about it but I’m not actually sure. I would like to spend more time in the States, I would like to go to Australia and New Zealand. If I remember correctly, on day 1 of these ramblings I wrote about this bucket list…Oz and NZ would be on that list.

Tomorrow, the Powerball (our sort of lottery thing) is R100 million. Imagine how long a bucket list could be with that sort of money. Even in our mickey mouse money that would buy you a lot of dollars or pounds! Phew. I am allowed to dream.

Until tomorrow.

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