I am always amazed when you see people grow in stature every day. People who through doing certain things develop confidence to be considered an expert in their field, people who become confident enough to tap the unknown, to challenge their comfort zone, to question the status quo and most importantly to recognise their own growth. I am also often surprised by people who can see opportunity and grab it and the respective changes it requires in a heartbeat.
In contrast I become incredibly frustrated with those who could be so much more but force themselves to be stagnant in an ever changing world. People who you know well will only know you well for a finite amount of time if you refuse to change, adapt and learn. They and you may not realize or recognise a change in the relationship but eventually one party will drift away in the sub conscious thought that they are now at a different place. That they have less in common with you than before.
I become frustrated when people are scared of change, when people can’t see what is patently obvious to others. I think as one gets older the fear of change becomes ever more present. That change risks everything. To some extent this may be true. I have a view that the opposite is also true though. Sometimes change is integral to progress, both in the business and financial sense but also in the personal arena. Sometimes at least considering change is the spark that ignites the burning desire for it.
I don’t believe that I am afraid of change. I have forced myself to understand alien concepts, to integrate in cultures that are not my own and to learn so that I become self sufficient. Years ago, during my dodgy night club owner days I was forced to teach myself how to DJ because I was constantly let down by inconsiderate people that thought I relied on them. I don’t think I was ever any good at it but it did a few things for me; it put me in touch with the youth music scene, it allowed me to talk with authority about latest trends to demanding customers, it taught me to be a showman, which I’m sure you’ll get is an important attributer as an entertainer, and it forced me to recognise rhythm – something that was definitely not my strength before!!
I did this because relying on inconsiderate people is not my strength. I was determined to be better at my trade than the next person. I was determined to have the edge, and I believe that embracing this skill and others gave me that edge.
I am now doing a bit of small business consulting. I thought I was unique but what is becoming more and more apparent is that although businesses are different, the principles are the same and the owners who populate these small businesses have very, very similar issues. I have a variety of mates who all think that they and their businesses are unique. I can tell them; you are not and nor are the issues in your business! I can’t speak for owners of businesses in foreign lands but I can’t imagine that it will be much different to here.
Some wise guy once said that owners of these businesses should work more on their businesses that in them. Which is a great concept but in tough times is incredibly difficult to implement. The cost pressure to a small business can be crippling and here in South Africa it seems that every fucker out there wants a slice of your action. The cost pressure subliminally forces four wall syndrome upon its victims. The cost pressure forces you to be in than on.
Accountants will tell you about the published tax rates, that’s the easy bit, but they can’t tell you about the hidden taxes. The hidden bits are the bits that really hurt and almost make it an untenable proposition. The hidden bits are not about money, they’re more about time and stress.
What we need, I think, is more money and time and less stress. What we have is less money, less time and more stress. Something is wrong here?
Food for thought. Until tomorrow.
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