Friday, 29 July 2011

Day 96 - Picture this!

We have officially traded our first full day. No advertising other than A boards outside, no flyers, no press. Is this the way forward in this small town. Who knows. Right now, its new, its fresh and it seems to fill a need here in this village. Everyone I have spoken to so far has a story to tell about something they have done here at the Royal Oak.

From a function they have attended, to people they or a relative of theirs have met here, for each it seems there is different purpose to be here. So far so good. Our first official trading day was cracking. Long may it last!

Some photos below.

Until tomorrow. The weekend!


  1. Congrats, may this be the beginning of a successful run for you :)

  2. looks really great dad!! so happy that the first day was awesome!!! have a good one. xNix
