Friday, 22 July 2011

Day 89 - T minus 6

Almost there now. Hanging like Spiderman on a half thrown web today. What started out as an innocent wine tasting yesterday for the new pub turned into a mammoth session that lasted well into the night. Why do I do it.
I'm not a great wine fan, I'll drink it for the effect sure, only because it gives me a raging headache and severe heartburn. The headache I have, rather had - it is now subsiding thanks to the modern marvels of drugs - by strangely heartburn has not happened yet.
It felt like such a good idea last night. My effervescent all handsome life and soul of the party talk to me because I'm so interesting persona crept out again. The bastard! Thought I had locked him away. Obviously not. God I'm hanging. There must be a cure for it? Half of me wants to go to an AA meeting, the other half can't be bothered! I feel terrible. Do you have these guilty pangs when you give it a go?

My significantly better and more sober half has no emotion for me this morning. And she is right. Oh well. This will be a long day. The saving grace last night? No phone signal otherwise all on fb would have had an ongoing progress report. That would have been a blessing!

One day closer. More stuff done now,starting to look like a business as more stuff arrives. I am greeted by very approving local people everywhere i go. I claim no glory for the fit out. It has been done with taste and style. It has been done with original materials stripped from some of the many old pubs which have closed. It has alleviated fears locally that this building, like the once pub next door,would have been converted into offices or the like. It has renewed faith in the local industry. 

And I will attempt to run it with aplomb. Hopefully sans hangover!

Why do I do it?

Until later...this is the catch up for yesterday, today's hopefully longer and more readable blabber will follow... I say hopefully because it may not happen as we have been invited to a - wait for it - braai (!!) tonight by a recently met couple. Braai? Yes, she is Zimbabwean and white so she can't be all bad?

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