Friday, 22 July 2011

Day 90 - T minus 5

Today has been long. I can't believe that yet another week has gone so quickly. Like I've said before I honestly almost believe that the people who actually run this plant have been leading us down the path when it come to the recording of time. I mean last Friday feels like yesterday.

Anyway. T minus 5. I have today applied with some considerable lack of skill all my tradesman / DIY skills that I have gathered over the years. I am also fairly certain that I would not pass a trade test. Of any description and of any profession. Fortunately I do know which is the business end of a drill and even a screw driver, hell even working a spirit level is becoming second nature to me. I'm not really that bad and what I lack in skill I make up with enthusiasm, passion and of course commitment... and occasionally a cheque if I really screw it up. But I love going to hardware stores and checking what is new out there. For instance, my next purchase, and I have investigated this, will be a 18v De Walt cordless drill screwdriver thingy. It definitely takes the pain out of screwing stuff and it can even make a hole or two. I have looked at other makes, at the 12v and 14v versions but the 18v one is really manly. I will have arrived should I decide to part with some cash to buy this thing. And it will look nice next to my new drill too. Ok I know, this is very sad, but, since my significantly more sensible and mature other half is not interested in having this conversation with me or even looking at them for Gods sake, and I only talk to myself when I'm driving, I will have it with you. And I would like a response, preferably a sensible you are the man type of response. That would be nice.

On the subject of cars I was fortunate or could you even say lucky to get a parking ticket today, right outside the pub too. So here is the theory, the parking ticket guy would look at my car and being in the first world they all carry handheld registration check devices, he would enter my reg number, my address would show, he would lift his head and say, oh, that's right here because he would be standing right outside the pub. Than he would look at the now completely dug up car park and all the contractors vans blocking everything and think to himself, lets give this bloke a gap 'cos I can see its only temporary and he lives here and can't even park on his own property. And then he would wonder off down the road and ticket someone else.
Or, he would do what he actually did. And write the ticket. So I've left the ticket on the car  - I don't even know how much it is - because my theory is that he won't now write another one if he sees that one. What you think?

I'm quite proud of twelve year old who thinks she's eighteen. She has made her own mind up about a couple of girls she's met. At first they were the quickest best friends in history, and quicker even to give us a mouthful when we said, ah no you can't wander the streets with them after dinner. She's now worked out that perhaps she doesn't actually want to be like them after all. Brownie point for her. Less worry for us.

Next week we start making some money I hope. Until tomorrow. Have a fab Friday.

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