Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Day 88 - T minus 7

Dog tired I am. Like I wrote yesterday this whole manual labour thing is not really for me but hey, what needs to be done needs to be done. Period!
And there is a lot that needs to be done and cleaned and packed and sorted out.
Today is T minus 7. This time next Wednesday, and forever after (we can hope and dream) we shall have the busiest pub for miles around. It will be full of people that want to be here. Nice people, educated hopefully with manners and sophistication and who hopefully that will appreciate a good thing. At the very lease we hope they will be discerning, I can handle a discerning pisshead, I actually like discerning drunks, but please don't give me a pisshead who doesn't appreciate a good thing. Is there anything worse?
That will appreciate good beer, and before you ask it is not beer that is served at room temperature, although it is quite close at 10 degrees!
After all this pub is what is called a 'brewery tap' i.e. a direct outlet for the brewery, which it is.
Or that's the theory anyway. And the story that I will stick to.

I think setting up any business from scratch is a challenge and having done this a few times in the past I can be relied upon to confirm this urban myth. It gets worse when there are elements outside of your control. Which is the case in just about every new build or renovation. Part of this renovation involves reinstating original stained glass windows to the front elevation of the building. Not the fake stick lead to a pane of glass stuff, the real deal, handcrafted, as it was originally. So you would think its a no brainer. Yes? You would thing that conservation type people would welcome this. Yes? You would think that it would be entirely fitting for this style of renovation. Yes?
Well NO actually. The councils conservation people have decided, because they are wise and worldly that the original fake leaded / stained glass should be replaced. A great decision now that £10k has been spent - not by me it must be said, just in case any of my creditors are reading this - by the owner of the building who has decided, drum roll please, to install the windows anyway.

Oh this shall be a ride indeed. Tomorrow we shall pack even more stuff away. We shall hope, no make that pray, that the external works carry on (more stuff without planning permission, oops!) and finish by the weekend. We shall work and sweat for a few more days and then, another drum roll, we shall hope that money starts flowing in an inwards direction. Wouldn't that be marvellous!

Anyway, enough from me. Bed Time. Until tomorrow.

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