What is it with some people? People who climb out of their box and consider themselves better than others. People who have no hesitation and miss no opportunity to belittle others and use their power and influence in some groups to convince others of their superiority. I meet people of this nature, through what I do, just about everyday. There is always one miserable shit that harbours animosity to someone else. The only saving grace, I think, is that others, more times than most, see through their smoke and mirrors ploy to garner favour.
I, long ago, realized that life is not fair. There is little point in fighting this curious quirk in the make up of our societies. Reams of words have been written on this, philosophies have been sculptured to try and force equality on people. All to little effect. It seems to be the human’s way of standing themselves apart. Even in societies where for generations all have been treated equally (and mostly badly) there is always one who stands up and rebels against the system. Unfortunately, this dude invariably ends up locked away or dead. But there seems to be someone always ready to take his place.
In business, some make it and some don’t. Some people have more luck than others, some win the lottery, others inherit, a few are given family jewels passed down over centuries. Some will get more. Some have better health, better eyesight, some will believe that their God is better than your God, some will experience unimaginable trauma, others will court death and live to tell the tale. Some will suffer abuse by the very people who should protect them. And it only serves to reinforce the fact that life is not fair. Your hand of cards is not infinite but can last a lot longer if they are swapped and shared; playing the game of life with your poker face on will only shorten your odds of staying in longer. But we all do it. We are all guilty of keeping a poker face in case others talk, in case others want what we have.
A few weeks ago a mate of mine, an accountant (I could say my accountant but the fact that he has ten fingers makes him over qualified to do my accounts) said at a meeting how he doesn’t understand why people get embarrassed because they’re making good money. And he’s right I think. It’s the poker face syndrome again. They might want what we have. Why do you think the lottery organizers give you the option to remain anonymous if you win. Because the takers will want what you have.
The down side of showing your good tidings is that people who may have known you all their lives will now question how you reached your success. I’ll give you an example from my life. Years ago when things were really going well, I could afford to drive nice cars and have some nice toys. As you know one of the businesses I owned was a night club so it wasn’t long before I was accused of being a drug dealer. You know, night club owner, therefore he must do and deal drugs. If you know me or know anything about me you will know my stance on this subject. I live in this town, I have young kids who go to school here and I am very aware of just how retarded some people are who live here. I am / was also very in tune with the goings on and could tell a few stories about dodgy cops, corrupt council employees, dealers and runners, but you know what, it’s not my place. Our society and justice system does not reward honesty and helpfulness so what’s the point. Nothing will happen to these people but eventually the wheel will turn and they will answer.
So did these people honestly think that I would not get to hear about their jealous mutterings? I have a another mate who is a cop and even he was hearing the stories and I think, even though he denies it, was starting to worry about me. This story is now long over and what’s in the past is in the past, I accept that but the point of it is, is that the takers will want what you have. They may cloud the demands so that’s its not obvious but there is motive there somewhere, you just got to dig for it.
Have I been guilty at some stage in the past of wanting what others have? Of course I have. I think I have now made peace with myself though.
Have I been guilty of not giving when I could have? When times were better? Yes I have. It is one of my regrets and something I will make right in times to come.
Until tomorrow.
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