Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day 36 – What’s for Lunch?

Hmmmm! I woke this morning wondering if my writings from last night and for Day 35 were true to me. You see after a gaggle of beers drunk (what is the collective noun for many beers drunk?) with mates on a Friday afternoon anything can happen and be said. So I read this with one eye this morning, hoping that I had not crossed the line, hoping that not much offensive had been written, hoping that today would not be one for apology.
It isn’t it seems, what was said last night is today still what I think. If I was to change anything it would probably be to add that I have also made many mistakes that perhaps may not have endeared me to others either. A friend commented on what I had written, imploring me to not waste time and energy on those who don’t deserve it. And I agree. And so I will try and follow this advice.

Yesterday we received confirmation and news of some changes happening in our lives in the not too distant future. We are excited by these imminent new adventures but at the same time, conscious of its importance in our lives, very aware of the impact that it will have on others, good and bad.
Although I can’t really get into the detail now as certain people are still to be told, more will be written about this in the weeks to come.
This impending change has got me thinking about what binds people to each other, what maintains the connections that we have in our lives, what leads us to stay in touch.

Some people are really good at maintaining connections and nurturing relationships long past their sell by date. Others, like me, are pretty crap at it. Some still send cards to each other, some even write still, and post letters! I have sisters who are renown for sending really great, funny, topical, thoughtful occasion cards to not only family but to friends too. From me you’ll be lucky, normally, to get a line or two on e mail. And I forget birthdays, and on occasion Mothers day perhaps a wedding anniversary now and again. And choosing cards is just not my thing. And has anyone ever noticed how expensive a good card is?
Its not that I’m not thinking of you and its not that I don’t want to stay in touch or remember the occasion it’s just that…actually I don’t know what it is.
It also a bit of a contradiction in my character to be honest. And by this I mean, I hate being a fair weather mate! Ok it sounds a bit gay I know, but my view is, is that if I’m your mate then I’m loyal and it’s for all the times. For everyday. And it irritates me when this is not felt on both sides. But then I’m not very good at maintaining that relationship and then get irritated when it’s not reciprocated. Doesn’t make sense to me either!
In business, relationships are different, as you know. I have in the past been guilty of blurring the line in business relationships, expecting others to think like I do. I have been known I get the shits when I have been naively loyal to suppliers, to colleagues to customers, promoting their products, singing their tune and getting not much in return. I recognise now that perhaps their outlook in life is different to me, and for them it was all about the sale. For them it’s all about the end result.

I really should make more of an effort to stay in touch. I should probably be more organized, I mean I have all the tools to set reminders, to keep address books etc. but isn’t this the woman’s job? Shouldn’t my wife be dealing with all of this? Should she not remind me about this task? Ladies I look forward to hearing your opinion about this. After all men and women are different, we do, according to some authors come from different planets. And your tasks are more white goods orientated, aren’t they? And after all everyone knows that men drive better than women, everyone knows that men are stronger, men are the providers men earn more, men are clearer thinkers…

Starting to hear the sizzle out there. I’m only joking ladies, if you know me you’ll know that I’m not really sexist at all. I’m all for female liberation, equal rights, sharing the cost of a meal out. I’m all for female progression in the workplace, for reporting to a woman. Really I am.

So that’s about it for today. I trust your weekend is good. Here in ‘texas the sun is shining and the U7’s play soccer in the morning. Seven kids from each side will play completely out of position for half an hour, trying hard to kick and trip each other to claim the glory of scoring past a terrified six year goal keeper. Should be fun to watch.

Now, has my wife finished washing my car yet? And why hasn’t she made lunch for us yet? Gotta remember keep her on her toes….

Until tomorrow.

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