Thursday, 5 May 2011

Day 27 – Glorious Bastards

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

Let it be said that I completely agree with the killing of bin Laden by the Americans. I am a fan of most things America but I completely disagree with both the manner in which the whole thing has been handled and the self riotousness sprouting from Obama and his mates.  President Obama announced today that he / they won’t release the pictures of Bin Laden. In his statement he says that releasing them will only be inflammatory and after all the pictures are gory enough to be offensive to most people. And he says ‘that’s not who we are’.

So who are we? President Obama, I don’t believe what you and your government says. They have lied to the world and led by the example of double standards and in pursuit of oil for far too long. It is too late now to claim the moral high ground. It is too late to crunch your knuckles and grind your teeth in remorse. Your actions have forever granted the radicals an excuse to reply. You have done this by conducting a covert military operation on sovereign territory that has resulted in the death of, it seems, the most wanted terrorist. I agree with what you have done, but playing the game of devil’s advocate, I ask you this, if Mexican special forces (if they have such a thing? I reckon they get quite special after a few tequilas) conducted an operation on your side of the fence, without your knowledge, to capture or kill a wanted drug dealer or whatever, would you be upset? My bet is that you would. You would gnash your teeth at the sheer cheek of it. This on American soil!

You have made public your success but yet you won’t ratify it. Most people I know want to see the proof because until we do we will always wonder if you have told us the truth. You have told us that the unit that carried out the killing doesn’t exist. It’s classified you say. So they don’t exist, you think, in this day and age of facebook, twitter and you tube. In this day and age of the credit crunch. In this day and age of CCTV and when in a third world country such as this, our every movement and transaction can be tracked. I bet they do exist and it won’t be long before someone will stick their head over the ridge looking for glory.
We don’t need you treating us like kids, we think we can handle seeing the pictures. Unlike you we ourselves live everyday, without close protection, in a violent and non forgiving society. We want to know that this killer is indeed dead. That our world is a safer place for our collective future. We want to know that images of his gruesome and violent death may deter some of his future martyrs. We want to know that you have done what you said you have done. We want to believe you. And we want to know now because we are cynical enough to think that you will bring these pictures out to trade them for votes and popularity before the next election in your country.

And my final thought on this subject. A week ago, tomorrow, Prince Willie and Kate got married. It was on a Friday, as I’m sure you remember. Late on Saturday it was determined that they would not go on honeymoon after all, citing security concerns and the need for William to get back to work.
Now, the future King of England, firstly, doesn’t ‘have’ to do anything, let alone get back to work. Secondly, just about every other detail of the wedding was leaked, and as it tuned out accurately, before the wedding, including the probable plan for the honeymoon.
So here’s what I’m getting to. William and his new missus are sent back to his military base – a secure location with limited access. And the day after, bin Laden becomes been Laden. Was their honeymoon plans changed by powers above to take this operation into account? Did the Americans share their information and change their plans or postpone their plans for the operation because of the Royal wedding? Are we being led down the garden path again?

Conspiracy theory? Makes me think though, and hopefully you too. Let me know your thoughts.

Until tomorrow.

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