Why oh why have you left us, now in this hour of need, now of all times. We have enjoyed your presence, you have guided our actions for time immortal but now you are gone. We have no way back. We no longer have a leader; we seem to no longer have the will or patience to teach our kids your way.
Our schools and work places are missing you too. Our productivity has fallen with our values and morals, we are sent on courses that mock you, we are fast losing our ability to think sensibility; and I fear that some have already forgotten you.
‘Common Sense’, we need you back. Please come back.
We need you to teach the way to the many you have strayed. We need you to help those inflicted with what appears to be persevering stupidity, for they are not ill, merely ill informed and caught up in negative fashion.
We need you to lead us to political salvation, to help those who continually vote for the same political party who promise everything and deliver nothing. And help those who believe that dividing the opposition in what is a one party state is the right solution.
Please help those religious leaders who won’t baptize a child because their parents are Methodist and not Catholic, help those who forego their friends while in pursuit of riches, help those who believe in broad based affirmative action when there is volumes of evidence to say that it doesn’t work and help those who think that this country is and will remain to be a shining light in Africa. Please look after those who build their homes on flood plains and then absurdly rebuild them in the same place when their homes are washed away. They really need your help, along with those who build a house from wood…. in tornado alley.
Please, I know you are undervalued and unwelcome in this world of today but please there is more; I ask you to help those five men, inflicted with dumbness, who thought it would be a good idea to photograph a nuclear power station in Britain on the morning that Osama Bin Laden is caught and killed. And please help those bright American military people who thought it would be a good idea to bury this twat at sea, before the rest of the world got a good look at his bloody ass.
Please help the business owners who have forgotten your message about good service and good value brings good customers, and those who think that one customer is more important than another. Please also help those who kick a man when he is down and struggling for breath
Please help those parents who think that PS3 and Wii are good alternatives to kicking a ball around and running on the beach, please help those parents who believe that junk food is full of nutrients and those parents who would rather buy a gym membership for their kid, rather than feed them properly.
Common Sense, we really miss you. And we’re really sorry that we let that bastard ‘I’m a victim’ bully you out of here. We should never have encouraged him to join our community, we sort of knew what he was going to do, him and his missus, that old hag ‘Political Correctness’ and her mate ‘I’m Entitled’. Their attitude has infected almost everyone I know; in fact their attitude almost got me too, not that long ago. I was lucky to get away, fortunately your mates ‘Fairness’ and ‘Decency’ came to my rescue and now I try and repay their actions with my doings.
Common sense, this world needs you, really it does. Please don’t dessert us. This is our hour of need. Please.
Classic! LOL
ReplyDeleteI must comment however that one could easily replace the above referal to 'Common Sense' with 'God' but as a whole the bottom line here is common goodness and equality to all.
Use your brain and use your heart!