Monday, 2 May 2011

Day 24 - Osama vs Obama

Day 24 – Osama vs Obama

A new day has birthed. I have made it, you’ll be glad to know. The man cold that was yesterday’s death warrant is subsiding, albeit slowly. It seems that, after all, I will be around for a bit longer. My wife’s guilt remains unrepentant (or is that grudge?). The smile on my creditor’s faces warms the cockles of my ass.

That hero of the struggle against western tyranny and all things not radical muslim, Osama, has taken one for the team, in the head! The Americans, (and I suspect the rest of us civilized people), gleefully rejoice his passing, I bet hoping that their geography lesson forced upon them by the theatres of war has now ended. Somehow, I doubt it. Somehow I bet that his radicals (I was going to write rag heads but then thought it through and realized that it would be absolutely not politically correct to call them that) will be back. With a vengeance no doubt.
Don’t you find it odd that these terrorists or freedom fighters – depending on which side of the fence you sit- can plan and execute the most daring of attacks, are tech savvy enough in that they can send video and other messages to the world, have obvious access to funds because they always seem to have enough weapons and ammunition…. but yet live in caves in the mountains. Now I haven’t been in a cave for quite some time but I do remember that when last I was in one there was not much built in comfort. Hell man, not even electricity in those darn caves. I also observed that the caves that I had been in were quite high up on the hillside, so dragging a generator up there was always going to be a mission. Especially when the spy satellites were all over you like a HIV rash.
Don’t you find it odd that they can co ordinate attacks in distant countries, that they have access to high explosive materials in all these places? Have you ever tried to take a tube of toothpaste on an aircraft?

They, the rag heads – oops sorry – are either a/ way more clever than we think they are or b/ are helped by some divine intervention or c/ a certain amount of the story we are told may not be exactly the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, sir!
“You can’t handle the truth” said that dude in that movie. Try us.

Now, this is what I think will happen in the next few days. Besides the obvious outcry from a small sector of the Muslim world, somewhere a tree hugger will lament the passing of Osama, will accuse the Americans of excessive force, will demand that the special forces that capped him be held accountable for his murder. You can see it coming. They will whine about this attack in a residential area, the collateral damage. And they will also be blissfully and eerily quiet about the consequences of waging war against us, the west. Those countries and companies who supplied his ‘soldiers’ – and I use that term lightly –with their tools of destruction  will admit nothing. They won’t have to, he has gone to martyrdom and to his many virgins and so their balance sheets are only likely to swell anyway with his passing.

I can’t help but wonder what would have happened had a negotiated peace been possible in this region. Would Osama, like Mandela, have become President of this patch of sand, would he, could he have been revered by the world? Would he have encouraged peace, like Mandela, and religious tolerance? 
I doubt it. We are better off now that he is dead. I am entitled to my opinion.

Oh, and one final thought before I leave you to yours. Why, when the world is waiting to see the cadaver of Osama, is he buried at sea, as the news channels are reporting. Cynical. Oh yes!

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. So it seems us woman are right, if one does not fall prey to a man's theatrical drama with the 'deadly' man flu the wind WILL blow over and he'll eventually acknowledges that he is in fact not dying... LOL :)
