Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Day 129 - Jinxed It?

And so it came to pass that at least one of my off spring attended his first day of school today. And in the morning another, the eldest, shall too. In the morning she shall embark on her own on the bus with new people to her new school. It will no doubt be daunting for her but I am sure she will be just fine. She has after all met a number of kids her age to share the journey with so we hope that it will not be too dramatic. 

It will be somewhat quieter in these parts for a number of hours each day from herein onwards. We are now getting to normality, the summer holidays are over, the Euro travelling populace are back at work, tanned and already saving for their next journey to foreign shores. The honeymoon period of the pub has subsided and it is up to us to now make it happen. And we shall. But rather than climb into every gimmick there is available and there are many we are more inclined to approach this gently and with more depth and foundation. Just how much depth and foundation will depend of course on the state of the bank balance but we are confident that slow steps now will stand us in good stead later. Or, and this could be the case, we may just be naive and whacking the gimmicks and gadgets now is the way to go. Whatever my opinion is or yours for that matter, time alone will be our judge and jury. And hopefully by the time this gets to Day 364 we will be closer the knowing the answer. I shall be exhausted and probably stressed but at least we will a bit closer to knowing if this theory works.

On the personal side, I continue to to be amazed by some of the people that I meet. With the hours that we are currently doing it would be safe to say that the holiday goggles are off but yet still every day we are touched by the kindness and generosity of people that live in these parts. Yes, before you think I've gone all soft and tree huggy like I know that for some who have lived here for a lifetime we are one in many couples who have kept these historical walls in good shape and there will be many more after us I suspect but nevertheless we have had easy and friendly conversations with a variety of people who have just accepted us. There has been no qualm about our backgrounds, the fact that we are foreigners. There has been no issue that as Springbok supporters in front of the imminent World Cup we shall be up against England at some point, and hopefully beat them too. And on Saturday there shall no doubt be many comments as we wander around the town in our Springbok jerseys readying ourselves for a Welsh onslaught - which we shall brush away. And hopefully later on Saturday when we light the fire and tan some meat there shall be only congratulatory comments on our fine victory.

There I have jinxed it now. I have mentioned fire so it is sure to rain anyway, regardless of whether I wash my car or not. I have positively alluded to the current Springbok side actually winning a game on foreign soil - which as we know could  now go either way and there is a strong chance it will now go against us. I am truly sorry so I shall have to wear my lucky shirt and i expect you to wear yours. Mine is green.

I'm rambling now. Tuesday now. AFD shift tomorrow that start at 6am so I am signing off. I hope that you have a fab time wherever you are and don't forget to put your national pride aside and support the Springboks in their quest for a third World Cup victory. There is only one.

Until tomorrow.

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