Saturday, 30 April 2011

Day 22 - Brave Heart

As residents of Amanzimtoti you can be certain of one thing. The largest (it is said?) 'Highland Gathering' outside of Scotland happens here every year at about the end of April. Every Year. Without fail. As far back as I can remember this has been the case. And as every new year rolls round so the local newspapers claim another new attendance record. So the local organising committee claim it to be the most successful ever. Every year the pipe bands come from afar, each year the food stalls increase in number, each year Miss Highland Gathering thinks she's on the path to greatness, each the year the beer tent turns into a boxing match...

The queue to get into the Highland gathering this morning.
Each year, the local Lions, a charitable organisation gets stuck in to put this effort together. Now, I admire these people. I don't claim to know much about the Lions but they do it because I think they genuinely care, I don't think anyone personally makes any money from this event, and others they are involved in, and it seems all that is raised from the event is donated to various good causes. 

I'm not going to knock these good people. But as an observer I do have a few thoughts, though, on their efforts which I would like to share; and they go something like this:

People belong to the lions on a voluntary basis. Some of them will be self employed and others will be employees. All will be exposed to change in their workplace all the time so....perhaps its time to think a little differently about his event too, perhaps its time to change it, modernise it, turn it on its head.....perhaps is time to bring in a professional event organiser - someone who is versed in putting together large events, someone who is connected where it matters. Yes it might cost a bit of money - but that exposure could be managed - , but you have established an event here that is very well known (but risks degenerating even further into a fete or flea market) and could be perhaps ten times as big as what it currently is. Yes it is enjoyable now as it is but the same people who are supporting it year in and year out are way more market savvy than you think. They are exposed to more and will not hesitate to trade their attendance of this years event, or next years, against attending another event if the other event is perceived to be better. 
With a bit more energy your event could enjoy live TV coverage, celebrity endorsement and the like. There will be blue chip companies out there chomping at the bit to have their name attached to it if they feel they will get sufficient exposure. Incidentally you have, this year and last, sold yourself cheap by your association with the local newspaper. 
LOTS of food stalls!
Note the Health Inspector, with clipboard at back.
If you move the event from one day to two days i.e. make it a festival, you have the opportunity to own the towns entertainment spend for the whole weekend, it would also allow you to make better use of advertising opportunities, it would allow to to charge more to stall holders and ultimately you have an opportunity to make substantially more money that what you are currently making and I don't have to tell you, that the more you make means that there is more to give to needy causes.
Just a thought. It will require balls and a hard sell to get it past the self proclaimed preservers of the past but it could be THE signature event that puts 'texas on the map. Which makes me think. I was there this morning and didn't see the local tourism people there. Surely they were there? Please tell me they were!

My other thought....The irony of this event every year, as seen through my eyes, is that because of the entry fee - yes the Lions charge an entry fee as part of the money raising effort - it is an exclusionary event for those who can't afford to pay it. The do gooders - these Lion types - should suggest that the poor people be let in but I think know that that will come with its own set of problems and will damage the event. So they would rather not let them in and then claim credibility by helping these same people with hand outs. Anyone else see this?

My new company car. Hey this
is Africa!
The Beer Tent - watch the boxing here

And those who are reading this in foreign lands but hail from 'texas. As you can see, nothing has changed. Toti will reverberate to the sound of the pipes tonight, residents around Hutchison park will write to the Sun next week to complain about the noise, the clubs and restaurants will be filled with skirt wearing men tonight. And next year will roll round. And nothing will change.

Until tomorrow.


  1. Oh my, thanks for the blast from the past!
    Yip Toti will always by remembered for its Highland Gatherings and its amazing how ones experiences and perception of it changes as you grow up with it.
    But the bottom line is, the Highland Gathering has always happened every year without fail and, from the pictures above, the locals are still supporting it. But after the recent Galleria Saga (disappearance of the CBD after the new shopping mall opening) its goes to shop that we need to keep one step ahead of the competition and think of bigger and better things.
    So the Neale, in the interest of keeping our Highland Gathering I agree with you!

  2. its funny how one becomes possessive over things that we have forgotten about...or no longer use. it would be a shame if the highland gathering died a death because its supporters have moved on, been enticed by better offers - but thats the cycle of life too. So the Lions are challenged to pick their game up, lets hope they do.
