Sunday, 24 April 2011

Day 16 - Bunny Chow

So the fluffy white (seriously I saw him this morning) English speaking chocolate loving bunny rabbit made his way across our garden this morning. I know this because I was woken from my slumber to witness this annual pilgrimage to the god that is Cadbury. At 5am to be precise. My better half even turned off the house alarm, put the pins back into the limpet mines and booby strung hand grenades, deactivated the machine guns, checked the cameras and called in the man eating rottweilers. After she had rechecked the threat status she opened the thick steel door of the safe room and off we went to spread some cheer. Our kids, oblivious to our efforts of encouraging their obesity, slept, peacefully, only awakening after 7am. Every other day of the year, we’re woken by them, normally before 6. Go figure!

If you’re not from SA and wondering, when you looked at the title, what a bunny chow is; in simple terms it’s normally half a loaf of bread, partially burrowed out and filled with the curry of your choice. I know, it sound a bit odd but believe me, whole dynasties have been built on the ability to make a good ‘bunny’. What does it taste like? Well…a bit like curry and bread actually.

Ok, if you’re not a living in South Africa South African then I’m only kidding about all the security stuff. Everything is absolutely safe here in this paradise and you should come home and reintegrate into SA society. The government can’t wait to welcome you back, because, after all, who are they going to drive into the sea when the revolution comes. And the sun will be shining and you can cook some meat on a fire, just like they did in the time of the ox wagon. There will also be lots of time for reintegration, especially if you are white, male and about 40 years old. You can reintegrate while standing in the unemployment queue, whilst sleeping under the bridge or in your hijacked car. You could make new friends at church whilst praying for a job and a roof over your heads and at the beach because it’s the only free thing to do. South Africa is after all, a land of opportunity. Where else in the world have former shack dwellers and almost uneducated individuals amassed billions in a matter of 16 years. Where else in the world does your surname guarantee you and all your mates a life of privilege and opulence? Where else in the world are farmers killed and their land redistributed, where else are farmers not valued – after all, they only grow the food we eat! OK OK, Africa doesn’t count, pick a country outside of Africa.

I have to admit that I have long forgotten the true significance of Easter but writing this blog has made me think about it more now than I can remember. The country we live in – SA - won’t forgive us for our wrongs. Our children will suffer because, although integrated at school they will grow up separate and tainted by our prejudice. We won’t admit that we enjoy the privilege of power, we won’t admit that some of the deeds that are done are wrong and most of all we won’t admit that we are all not too dissimilar. Neither side can turn back the past but I guess the trick now is to find common purpose and common belief. South Africa is a mainly Christian country. As was Rwanda. And look what happened there.
Am I the only one to look at what’s happening in north Africa now and what has happened in places like Rwanda and wonder when it will start here? Even the so called experts think that our Zimbabwe moment is not too far off. The Julius Malema’s of this country talk openly about the coming revolution…there is some frightening stuff here. And all will be affected. At home we employ a 70 something black woman who comes to work twice a week. She has worked for my parents and us for the best part of 20 years. She lives in fear and in her own words, she tells us that her quality of life during the apartheid years far outshines her current situation. Now I know that this would not be a popular thing to say at the ANC conference and it may offend your sensibilities but, and this is a big but, if the masses, who have the voting power, were to rub the shit out of their eyes and the brains and education to look a little closer at today’s politicians in power than we might have a significantly better country. Unfortunately though, history is against us. Repeatedly in Africa

This is the time of forgiveness. This is the time, South Africans, to realize our predicament. This is the time to recognize those who could make a difference in all our lives. This is the time to set aside our differences, and there are many, and encourage those people to go out and make a difference. Our lives, after all, depend on them.

On a lighter note, the fluffy little flea infested rabbit has moved on for this year. Hopefully not to give good luck to 4 people. Get it? I hope your Easter is peaceful.

Until Tomorrow. God Speed.

1 comment:

  1. Its very scary whats happening or bound to happen in SA. All i can say is, I choose to not be there when the crap hits the fan, and if it doesn't, oh well, what have I lost?? My 2cents worth.....Get out while you can.
    As for Easter, the Lord dies on the cross to forgive us of our sins and I thank him for that everyday. Its very sad to see the self destructive nature that humankind have. I cant help but feel what impact a little bit more forgiveness would do for our society - Amen
