So. Let me try and understand this.
There is no Petrol Tanker Drivers strike on at the moment in the UK. They are having talks this week about possibly going on strike and if they, the unions, can reach a majority decision they will notify the relevant people, give seven days notice and then will go on strike. In the meantime, because of their stated intentions, the government and the oil companies are training the armed services to drive the tankers so the petrol stations will have petrol, which means that the majority of Joe Public can go about their usual business.
So. As I see it. There is currently no shortage of petrol.
Would that be a fair assessment? Am I seeing this correctly?
Obviously not it seems as people queue for hours waiting to fill their cars and the kettles. Unbelievably, Joe Public has gone into particularly stupid mode and is panic buying petrol. Because there isn't a shortage.
I am officially confused.
I thought I had seen just how impossibly stupid a person can be, coming from SA and all. But obviously not. Persevering stupidity, a topic that I written about before in these ramblings, it seems is a global problem.
Right. Bye for now. Need to go and fill up....
This is absolutely an official fact.
Britain and its people, from all walks of this diverse and sometimes strange society are psychotically consumed by the vagaries of the weather. Every conversation that I have had with anyone at any time on any day has included some or other reference to the weather; whats its done, whats its not done, what its going to do, what it may do, what it may not do, how it will affect trade, how it won't affect trade. This weathering topic permeates every social occasion...but oddly, world renowned British stoicism and stiff upper lip overrules it. Everyone expects it to rain, all the time or at least everyday and therefore along with the sun-cream is an umbrella. Finished and klaar.
Now the government here - in true 'you couldn't make it up' fashion is spending millions of taxpayers pounds, this in times of austerity, (I kid you not...many millions) selling to the world the news that Britain has more sunny days and overall better weather than, lets guess at somewhere, Brisbane. They are selling this as a reason to come to Britain, as a summer destination. And they are doing it in Australia in their media, in Brazil in their media, on their billboards, probably in South Africa in their media too and this to people who don't come to Britain for the sunshine. This too people who I would guess if they came here would probably take in the history, revel in the royalty and sup on the sights so unique to Britain. I doubt suntanning even comes into their thinking. And yes the government continues on its path...(they are all the same aren't they).
There might be a few warm days ahead but a summer destination if you live in Spain. A take your top off and sun tan on the pebbles of Brighton if you live in the Algarve. I think not. Maybe the politicians and slick over paid advertising execs who dreamt this up have had too much sun, or too much beer, or both. Maybe they have been so overawed by the conversations in the pub and the supermarkets that they have forgotten about the constant presence of the umbrella in the boot of their expensive car and the nine thousand warm jackets hanging in their cupboards. Warmer than Iceland maybe, but a summer beach holiday destination I fear not.
Sure, the weather is nice in the summer but only relative to the grey skies and cold of winter. Sure it is warm in summer in Britain but compared to the south of Portugal or Spain or France or Greece or Turkey it is positively polar. Sure it stays light to 10pm in the summer but is this reason enough? And it will rain, normally just after you've applied layers of sun cream. And in the news of that night much comment will be made about the overwhelmed road arteries to the seaside. Much comment will be made about just how long the weather will last before the tar on the roads start to soften. And that will be before the article on the drought. And after the article on the cabin crew strike and the resultant long queues of people waiting to board their flight to the sun in Portugal. Yes summer here is somewhat predictable. I can't wait. Its already warming up, up to 9 degrees this morning. Almost time to get my pins out.
Until next time. Roll on the summer.