And so, in a few hours from me writing this, a new year will break. People of all cultures will wonder what goodness or badness is coming their way and most will resolve to take steps to change their life, set a new goal, cast in mental stone their willingness for it to be a different year from the one that has just passed. And in a day or two, once the alcohol haze has lifted, many would have forgotten what was promised, and life carries on.
And that was going to be the theme of this blurb, seriously reflecting on this time of year and all it means to people I know and of course to myself.
But, if I was sitting reading it from your screen or over your shoulder, even my eyes would roll back never to be found again. Because every columnist in every newspaper or magazine, every blogger, every self help guru will be writing about this time. In Australia and places like that in the East (of where I am now) will have already celebrated the moment, News channels like Sky will go on and on and on with replays of the fireworks on Sydney bridge and the crowds on Bondi beach. In the west, people are just getting out of bed after a heavy Friday nights drinking and partying. They still need to get the day going. In the south, many a fire will be lit by now in expectation of having a braai, the fanta brown will be flowing and tonight A & E will too be overflowing. And here?
Here is another working day for us, albeit a busy one. In this trade there is no such thing as feet up at Christmas and New Year...oh wait my eyes are glazing over too.
No people, tonight, we put lots of money in the till hopefully and if all goes well we'll stumble into bed at about 4am, hopefully drunk. There fitness freaks and gym bunnies I've said it. Yes, tonight we will have licence to abuse our bodies. Tonight we shall morph into super beings, capable of doing the dumbest things to an appreciative audience. Tonight we shall say things that we will apologise for, for a few weeks yet. That's if I can make it to dinner time to be honest. The draw of my bed right now is almost overwhelming, I just need a few hours...
The allure of New Years eve, after 20 or so years in the trade, is definitely less sparkly than what it was. Definitely less enticing and in this trade usually marks the end of the festive busy season. Feet are sore, brains are tired, bags under the eyes are a sorry sight. And tonight, like every other year, there will be at least one idiot who believes that they are cleverer than everyone else. There will be one. For sure.
I always wonder at this time about the people who have been in my life in the past year. Our circumstances maybe different to yours but I suppose as the year turns you have to turn with it and move on from those who obviously don't share the same interest in you as you do in them. Its a shame that distance and circumstance makes some people forget the togetherness that was once there. Its a shame that we get wrapped up in our own little patheticness and own importance that we forget the times that we shared, the people that added to our sum. And I guess I am probably not an exception so therefore won't claim to be. But I miss those times that I can't have again.
And so, time has marched on, 2011 has just about seen its ass, and what a year its been, full of change and new people and 2012 is beckoning. Resolutions anyone? What are you going to do different. And please don't tell me you're going to read a motivational book every week or month. That is so yawn. Please don't tell me that you're gonna start going to church or start going more often. Did your mother not ever tell you that its the way you live your life everyday that's important?
Do something significant. C'mon, jack your job and travel the world. Stop smoking. Give up the drugs. Get back in touch with old friends. Find something that makes you happy. Write a book. Grow some balls.
Or if you're perfect in your own eyes. Become less so.
And that my friends is new years eve. 2012 for me is about being happy and at peace and I hope to write a book or at least make a serious start at one. 2012 is also, for me, the time for me to clear out my baggage of people in my life who I don't want to hear from again, clear out my thoughts, my regrets, my impatience with stupid and selfish people. Yes 2012 is my year to make a difference. For B, N & L. What you do in your 2012 is up to you but whatever it is I wish you the very best.